
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Photography Idol Contest

I saw this contest and thought, "WOW, those are some great prizes!"
I can't win if I don't enter the contest.
Here is my submission.
This was taken in the elevator on the way to
the honeymoon suite.
This couple exudes that passionate young love
for each other.
Check out the Photography Idol Contest!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Photo Restoration (FIRST TIME)

Blogger seems to be working better...still having some problems, but not enough
to keep me from uploading these pictures.
I had a friend contact me to restore a picture of her
mother, the 1948 Rodeo Queen.
Her mom's only copy of the picture was stored in one
of those oval frames.

I worked and worked....good thing it looks old.
We made it into a poster that will be
placed on a leather pillow.
I didn't even know they could put pictures
on leather pillows.

I sure hope she shows me a picture of the pillow
when she gets it.  :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Why am I CRYING?????

WOW!!!  I think blogger fixed my upload problems....I might just CRY!!
I have missed blogging soooooo much!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Still Having Trouble UPLOADING Pictures to Blogger - HELP!!

I have several pictures I am wanting to upload to my blog, but I can't because
they keep messing up.  I need help and I can't find anyone that
knows how to fix it.
Here is one of my mother and oldest is one in a series and
sadly, you cannot see the series because the pictures are so distorted.
I have tried and retried to upload...
This makes me very cranky and sad.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I am doing for Lent 2012

Fat Tuesday has come and gone.
I often wonder if people who celebrate it realize
its purpose.
We are now entering the weeks before Easter.
It is supposed to be the 40 weekdays leading up
to Easter Sunday.
I know that Lent is man-made activity, it is not
in the Bible.
I choose to observe it to give me a more intentional
focus.  I am in deep prayer for the week before
Ash Wednesday (which is today).
I ask God to show me where/what he wants me
to put my focus.
If you recall, last year he had me doing intentional
blessings.  It was a difficult but rewarding task.
I also choose to continue my Lenten Focus on weekends.
I do not feel it is genuine if I have weekends off...this isn't
a work week thing.

My spiritual growth has been a work in progress as it was meant to be for Christians.
If we try to do ALL the stuff in one shot, we would FAIL.
The area God has me focusing on this season is.........
MY CURSING (cussing if you are an Okie).
YES!!!  I have a FOUL mouth...ugh.
There I said it!!!!
Now don't get me wrong, I would NEVER say GD....and only if
I were realllllly made did I let loose with an "F" bomb.

Which in my little brain was okay.
Then God pointed me to this verse in the Bible.
LUKE 6:45

45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

I tried to quickly skim right on by that verse....
then came
LUKE 6:46

46 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?


How do you argue with that?????
So, here I up CURSING.
He doesn't have me JUST giving up!  of course not!
I now have 100 one dollar bills.
Every time I let lose with a curse word, the person hearing it
is allowed to ask for $1 for every bad word.
On Easter Sunday, whatever amount I still have left will be given to God.
Why am I doing the money thing?
Because I am either witnessing FOR God or AGAINST God.
Would I rather give the money for God's work or Satan's work?
At the end of Lent, I will figure out how often I let Satan
speak for me.
If I run out of money, I will get another $100 and keep going.

Just know that if you haven't started cursing yet....DON'T START!!!
I want to have that moment when I get startled and the
"S" word doesn't fly out of my mouth.
With God's help, I CAN DO THIS!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

...And Then I Shot a Prep......

Meet Kyle.
Kyle is near and dear to my heart.
Remember these 2 people?  (CLICK HERE)
He is their youngest child and only boy.
I've known him since he was a wee "chuckle head".
That is what his dad called him because
his body was soooo much smaller than his head.
As you can see, his body caught up and
he turned out to be quite a handsome

You never really see how fast time flies unless you
relate it to children.
You never feel very old until you look
at children that are now old enough to reproduce.
Kyle has a bright future....I even understand he has the
talents for a job on the side working his way through
college.  HA!
Don't worry Kyle, I didn't put the picture of you
pole dancing.....

Kyle isn't quite sure where he wants to go to school....although, I did
here him mention in OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY!!
Sorry...I get carried away....
I hope he enjoys his time at college....
I hope he stays there all the time...
Why would I say this?
Because when the kids are gone....
the parents shall play!!!
Yep!  When you don't have to worry whether the teens
are having a party at the house while you are out to
dinner with friends, you can linger a little longer after
the meal....yep, that's why you need to STAY AT COLLEGE.
Thanks for letting me shoot you Kyle!
I can't wait until I get to shoot the AGGIE side of you
in a few month!!!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Blogger is really messing up my pictures.
I am finally just going to show you what it is doing.
My posts have always been picture heavy, but
I've never had trouble uploading before now.
This started about 3 weeks ago....almost every picture has
these gruesome colored lines on them.
I was excited this morning when I uploaded a test picture
to see if it was fixed....then I did a 2nd picture...
Someone HELP me figure out why it is doing this PLEASE!!!