
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday

Well, I felt like I was on track a little better this week. I get to post a LOSS this week....YIPPEEEEEE. I'm only 2 lbs. behind my goal.....trying to lose at least ONE POUND a week.

-2 lbs. = TOTAL LOSS in 5 WEEKS -3 lbs.


  1. Congrats. Every pound is a step in the right direction. Why is it that its so fast and easy to gain weight, but so slow and torturous to take it back off? I lost 7.2 this week due to some sort of fluke in the cosmic alignment, but I am for certain runnung with this one.


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!