
Friday, September 26, 2008

Meet My MYSTERY Guest.....

This is the beginning of my WALL/HALL of Fame.
I'm going to do one of each member of my family if I can ever think if it when I have my camera.
It is quite easy to accomplish this beautiful display.
1. Take a profile picture of your model on a digital camera.
2. Put the picture on your computer and print it out. You do NOT need to use photo paper...just plain copy paper.
3. Color in the design with a black marker.
4. Use a copy machine to increase the size of the picture to what you desire. (my picture in in an 8 x 10 area)
5. Carefully cut out the picture.
6. Trace the silhouette onto black paper ON THE WRONG SIDE...this will keep the PENCIL marks from showing up after you cut it out.
7. Find a pretty scrapbook paper to use as the background. It is my intention to change out the background with the holidays, seasons, etc.
8. Put picture in a pretty frame. I got this frame at Wal-mart for $5.00. I orginally thought that I would spray paint it black, but decided to leave it for the meantime.

I'm going to have 5 of them going down my hallway...won't that be neat?


  1. Too cool! You are SO creative! :o)

  2. I have been trying to do something like this with hand prints, but may see if the silhouette would work. I have 4 vinyl words I'm using: Live, Laugh, Love, Learn and they are going above my piano.

  3. That is so neat. I remember getting silhouette portraits done at Disneyland when I was a kid and back then they were so expensive. This is so much easier, personal and yes, cheaper! Thanks for the tip.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Oh what an awesome idea!
    That would be a fun project to do.
    Thanks for the idea Traci!

  5. Great tutorial on silhouette portraits! Thanks.
    It sounds like your daughter will always have the best story to tell about the day she found a dead guy. I'm glad that it didn't freak her out.
    Have a delightful, non-finding dead people weekend. ;~)

  6. That is a great idea!

    Congrats on the fair awards...and it is so true....seems like you do alot of waiting, waiting and more waiting....and it gets to be very long for everyone(especially three year olds!!) Have a great weekend!

  7. Miss creative!!! I am going to try that with both of my children and when I do I will post it and letcha know how it turned out...thanks for sharing!

  8. How neat...I like that idea. I'm waving back to you on my neighbor, nice to meet you! Thank you for such a nice comment!


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!