
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thrift Store Find of the Week!!

I was hopping around blogland the other day and hopped on GEORGIA PEACHEZ' blog. She has an amazing display of vintage Christmas items. I drooled over a pink and green felt tree she posted about.
So, fast forward several days and I'm running errands around town and have to stop in at my favorite flea market, CLARK's THRIFT STORE and THERE IS THE SAME TREE....I'd swear it had a spotlight shining on it and a sign pointing at it for me to see it in all its glory!!!
I about took down the rest of the display trying to grab that glorious felt matta the price.
Well, I casually asked the price.....and she so sweetly said ONE DOLLAR!!!
Yeah, you bet I jumped on that!
My flash is too bright and it makes the colors look dull....they are NOT dull!

Ain't she purty?


  1. Seriously, I am drooling here......I LOVE THIS! What a find. I want one too.....I don't think I'd ever find one here where we live.....people snatch up vintage treasures so fast you can hardly see them...LOL

  2. It's beautiful! I would LOVE to come across a deal like that! :o)

    Just wanted to say that I am praying that all goes well with the upcoming wedding and that you are blessed as much as the rest of the family by this union between your daughter and her love! Praying that many blessings will come your way...


  3. Hi Traci, she sure is very PURTY! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas X

  4. :O
    Oh my GOODNESS!
    I cannot blame you!I would have totally bought that in a heartbeat!
    I love it!
    Awesome find Traci!!

  5. It is so lovely!!!! The colors don't look dull at all in your pictures!


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!