
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wedding Party (BIRTHDAY)

Two are my daughters and two are my nieces.
I'll just say that the YOUNGEST in this pictures is now DRIVING!!!

When my oldest turned 6, we had a WEDDING PARTY.
We found the tea length dress at a consignment shop for $8.00.
When we started altering it, we discovered it REALLY was a wedding dress,
because birdseed started falling out of the folds.
We originally thought it was a prom dress.
We rented a ballet studio for $20.00 (We had connections)
We made invitations that looked like wedding invitations (note, this was long before the ease of finding them at Hobby Lobby).
The girls all wore their "best" wedding dresses.
When the girls arrived, they of course signed the GUEST BOOK.
They got their make-up and nails done.
They made bouquets. (Dollar Tree is amazing for this one)
They decorated boxes to take home their goodies in.
They fished in a punchbowl full of BIRDSEED for engagement and wedding rings.
They played Pin the BOW TIE on the Groom.
(Just a wall hanging of a cartoon boy)
We had wedding cake and punch.
The surprise that I didn't expect, was that the girls actually brought gifts wrapped in wedding paper!
Oh, and each girl took home instant pictures...remember those?....of
the WEDDING PARTY and one of them with "THE BRIDE".

The whole party was less than $70.00!!!

It was simple and CHEAP.
The memories will last forever!

I often wonder how expensive it would be today to pull this off....since there are so many items marketed just for these types of parties for children. You know, one MUST HAVE the "made just for their size" stuff.....ick.


  1. Tracy!

    I can remember Reagan was about this age when we first met in Pea Ridge AR at a field trip I set up. Boy time flies! We sure miss seeing you all. Cannot believe Carly is in Hawaii. Feeling old here.

  2. It's hard to believe that they are so grown-up now! These pics are too cute! What a great idea for a little girl's birthday party!! You're super creative like that!

  3. It surely would not cost as low as $70 now!
    Mine are 16 and 11 and I know I spend at least $200 on a party for the birthday girl and some friends.That amount is for an inexpensive party.I will have to take out a loan for a birthday party

  4. That is SUCH acute birthday party idea - I love the creativity that went in to it!

  5. i'm favoriting this post in my bday party ideas folder.

    And it seems to me I may have to take you up on that challenge and see if I could pull this party off under $70.

    I'll let you know if I can talk any of my kids into this.

  6. Great idea! How fun. That way you get to be a bride MORE than once!

  7. What a precious, precious memory. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

  8. That is so neat! I've never heard of a wedding theme birthday party before!

  9. That would have been so much fun. I will save this idea for any future granddaughters.

  10. Such a great idea and looks like a lot of fun. Pin the tie on the groom! Brilliant!

  11. Cute! If I ever have a little girl, this will be a wonderful party idea! By the way, your girls are so adorable! (and still are)


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