
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Those are NOT leaves....

If I didn't know better, I would be thinking that
Alfred Hitchcock is a guest at this hotel.....
My dear friends....those are NOT leaves....
those are BIRDS!!!
(Wouldn't this picture make a great Halloween picture?)

I think they took the term BLACK TOP to a new level....ewwwwww.
These birds come to roost every night....tons and tons of them
They fill the trees....
They chatter all night....
Yep, if it isn't my's the BIRDS!!!
I really think they followed Sydni here....
after all, she is such an easy poop target...
Just ask her, she has a better chance of getting pooped on
by a bird than she does of graduating high haaaaaaa!


  1. I think that's the scariest picture I've ever seen. My fear of birds has no boundaries :)

  2. That is kind of your background--pretty cute and 4-H -ee!!

  3. Lol...poor Sydni.
    Love that first photo!

  4. Okay, now that is just scary! I hope you save that picture and blow it up come Halloween time :0).
    I wanted to tell you that I came over here yesterday, searched your blog for pics of your kitchen so I could see your "spoon" pulls and WAHOO! I found one. It was around Thanksgiving time and you were getting things ready. I love, love, LOVE your kitchen! I really dig the color of the cabinets and it makes me think of what a kitchen in an old farmhouse should look like. sigh*, bigger sigh*
    I hope you had a great weekend. It was cold, a bit rainy (which we totally need) and sooo windy today! It only got up to 58. I stayed indoors and got my laundry area all cleaned and spiffed up. I've a bad case of spring fever. I really do! lol!

  5. Gross! I'm just NOT a fan of birds...

    Hope you had a great time and found some great buys while you were in town! :o)

  6. It is a pretty picture with the nice sun setting background :) But, I must admit, I would be freaking out! LOL!

  7. hi~just commenting again after you commented today on my blog. We don't normally start seeding until April and sometimes May. We do have flooding in the Bismarck and Fargo areas but not so much around us. No depression here--just spring fever! Husband is tired of moving snow!! :) Take care!

  8. Hey! Getting pooped on by a bird is good luck!


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!