Look very closely at this pictures....
Do you notice anything...other than the fact
I am NOT in the picture?
Look at Dad's feet.....They are NOT on the GROUND....
isn't that a hoot...he tried to be the stud when he jumped
and this is how it turned out!
Don't ask what the "cool" teenager is doing on the left....
see, she should have just jumped like she was asked to do...
now, I get to show THIS picture of her on my
Regan is getting the idea....her feet aren't on the
ground either!!!
Now, this is better...at least Dad got into it.....
the "cool" teenager STILL didn't GET IT!!!
She thought if she raised her arms a tiny little bit, that
we would be fooled into thinking she really JUMPED!
What is also funny is that the dog, aka Rascal...pillow thief...
does JUST THE OPPOSITE....AS NORMAL!!! He lays down when told to JUMP!!
That is too funny! I love how the dog is just looking at them like "what are you doing?!" Great pics!
Ha! I love it!