
Monday, April 20, 2009

Oops, Now I Done Gone and Painted a Window!

I try to tell my daughter to stand up straight...maybe this will convince her!
Great restaurant...down home good cookin' in a great atmosphere!

What to get, what to get......that won't fall on the dress and make a mess!!!

More of my lovey.....notice the WINDOW!!!

OMG....he is sooooo darn cute!!!
He NEVER takes his hands out of his pockets....I'm lucky I got a smile out of him.
What is it with guys and smiling in pictures....???


  1. Great pics...Glenn never smiles either..and I have to pull teeth to even get his pictures taken!


  2. More great shots! My boys tend to stick their hands in their pockets too! lol!
    Look at all that~~you've been busy you graffiti queen. hee hee.
    Oh, wanted to ask you what else you've used the "almond" color spray paint on. I'd love to see it on something "larger" before I buy some and use it. I have a hope chest that is just waiting for a face lift.

  3. DO you know the story of (the number) 13 at a bakery?


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!