
Friday, June 19, 2009

I think my husband is a chameleon...

You be the judge! Is he a chameleon or are these just the typical Ag Teacher stances....

I swear these pictures were all taken on the same day! You know me, I can't just watch what everyone else is watching...which in this case would be the goat show at goat camp....don't ask if you don't already know....well, ok, it is a camp where youth learn to care for and show their what you see when you go to the fair. You know, in the building where all the blue/gold and green/white jackets are parading animals around by halters or their BARE hands?
Oh, and did you guess which one was my husband?


  1. This made me LOL!
    Thanks for dropping by Bloggertiaville today. Come back soon! I (heart) bloggy my friends.

    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  2. It's definitely an ag teacher thing. I'm almost sure it's part of the training at OSU (;

  3. That was too cute! Thanks for stopping by...hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with all things sweet! :)

  4. Honey, LOVE your blog!! I am almost to pee my pants reading, glad I found you! Blessings, Janna

  5. Traci, that is just so hilarious! I guess the one with the spectacles (I did not say the one who IS a spectacle) ha ha!

    this reinforces a theory I heard once that women bond in face to face activities while men bond in side by side activities.


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!