
Monday, August 17, 2009

Friday Night DATE with My Farmer/Cowboy/Ag Teacher

The guy in the blue shirt is my manly man, David.
Since he is a teacher and works for a salary, he gets his "overtime" pay
when he judges livestock shows.
This is a Futurity Pig Show in a rural town on Route 66!

This CUTE little guy is showing a pig....look at his little boots!!!
Look at how his little pants are tucked into his little boots!!

Look! I don't know which is cuter...
If you judge pigs, you've got to like BIG BUTTS...
boy does this pig have a big butt. Certainly you weren't thinking
I was talking about the boy....
Look at the SHINE on that pig!!

If you know me at all, you know I can't keep my eye just on the show....
I have to look all around....
While I was looking all around, it became quite evident that
there was a serious fashion statement being made at this
little pig show in a little town on Route 66.

Ok, enough of the fashion statement....back to the show....
Look! There's my manly man earning OVERTIME!

I know you are dying to know which pig won...
Well, of course it was the CROSSBRED....
That grand prize just won that boy $500.00!
I think it was worth the trip to the little town was certainly
worth it for the Grand Champion.

Oh, and should I mention that I also got to see an alien spaceship on Route 66?

So, that was my exciting and ROMANTIC night....I know you are thinking I got cheated...well, NOPE, I wouldn't trade it for the world....
hearing my manly man speak into a microphone and not even sound like
himself....made my knees go all weak and all.
You'd have to know my husband to know that he isn't much of a talker...
but put a microphone to his mouth and let him start giving reasons....


  1. Great looking Pigs! The boots? STRANGE choices! Glad you had such a great date! LOL! :)

  2. Those are some great looking pigs! I so enjoyed this post. I'm glad you had a super "date" night.
    I just saw your red pantry door and I am salivating. You know how much I love those? I couldn't talk my hubbs into letting me do the same thing, so I had to do "bi-folds" but at least they are red :)
    Hope your day is a good one!

  3. I have to say, those turquoise and brown boots are the cat's meow now!


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!