
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Reason #29 Why One Does NOT Put Deviled Eggs in a Cooler With Wheels

No matter how cute and creative Tupperware is with their Deviled Egg Carrier.....
It cannot withstand the almighty power of the manly man who is

in control of an ice chest with wheels!The person you see has been disguised to protect his masculinity....
even tho he KNOWS the womanly woman spent a lot more time
making the deviled eggs than the 1.2 seconds he took to DESTROY them!
Happy 22nd Anniversary My MANLY MAN!!!
August 1, 1987
He has been my main squeeze since I was a wee 15 year old! Young love CAN last!!!


  1. LOL oh well...what can you do??

    Happy Anniversary!! Hope you two have a day filled with all things sweet! :)

    Stop over for a visit...I have not seen you for awhile!

  2. Awwwe, I hope you had a great Anniversary!

    And I had to scroll back up- my verification word was "jamped"- which I will now use in a sentence...

    It looks like your deviled eggs were quite "jamped".

  3. TOOOO funny!!!!
    They still look good tho, yum.

    Happy Anniversary~ To your friends as well!


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!