
Friday, September 11, 2009

The Fairies are Ready for Fall!

Well, the fairies were busy last night.....

They beat me getting ready for fall....

Pumpkin lights and a BLACK wreath!

A basket of pumpkins.....

Oh look, they even have gold glitter added to the black creepy.

What a bright "fallish" doormat!

Yep, they beat me to it....I still haven't got out my fall decorations.
I guess the fairies are trying to tell me to get busy, huh?


  1. I love that the fairies decorate for the seasons. They actually do a much better job than I do, come to think of it. :)


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!