
Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Hunting.....

 Meet my 3 turkeys!
Regan, Carly and Sydni.
I probably took 15 pictures of this pose....this is the ONLY
picture where all three are somewhat looking in my direction!
 I gave up on open eyes......
 There were some turkeys who actually wanted their pictures taken.....

 This turkey is really hard to capture....she never stops talking.
She also does NOT like having her picture taken....I think
I proved she can take a good picture.

 This is our family portrait....yes, I am the glamour queen on the ground in
the front.  I had to set the timer on the camera and it was a very
very long run to reach the group....
that is as far as I made it before the camera CLICKED.
I was quite impressed I was even in the frame....
Mental Note:  Must. Exercise. More.
 My sister, Julie and her husband, Donald.
I really should put the picture before this...he was
really BITING her face....and that got the
laugh response!
 My mother and step-dad.
I just wanted to see what silly poses I could
get them to do....
It sure wasn't hard...they just jumped on
whatever I said to do.....
We laughed so hard, we might have
let out a little pee in our pants.
 Sister again with her daughter, Laura.
Three generations....almost.

My twin nieces, Cortney and Lindsay.
They are such sweet blessing to this family.

Not just a "gansta" pose.
Laura, on the left, is preggie with baby #1.
Brittany, on the right, is preggie with baby #4.
They are sisters-in-law.

The twin, Lindsay with her husband, Stuart and son, Tristan.

Like I've said before....please don't judge them by their
choice in clothing.  They are family and we will love them
even when they wear such despicable clothing.

My sister, Terri and her husband, Vern.
As you might remember, Terri is the
one I force beg to do the Christmas
parade thing with each year.

I wonder if he even realizes the cougar woman is about to attack....

 The other twin, Cortney and her special guy, Chris.
Such posers.
I must admit, 2010 was an awesome Thanksgiving holiday!
I had a wonderful time laughing, loving and sharing with the families.
Thanks guys for sharing with me!


  1. What a wonderful family you have and more great pictures,you are so talented.
    Have a blessed weekend

  2. Beautiful photos Traci! So glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    I love the Christmas blog layout and music. It looks fabulous! Visiting your blog always makes my day! Thanks for that!

  3. Great pictures of what looks to be a great family.....

    Yes...I am still waiting for you to stop said once you were having problems commenting on my blog. Is this still the case? Come over and visit...and join in my recipe swap. I know you have something good you can share....

    I'm waiting............{lol)


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!