
Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday My Oldest Daughter - Carly

Yep, hard to believe that 21 years can go by in a blip....
She wasn't due for 6 more weeks...but she just HAD
to come busting into the world early.
Her dad and I were 3 weeks into our
 student teaching.....
We were dirt poor student teachers.
Thanks to our mothers, I was able to
be reassured that she was well taken
care of while I went back to student
teaching only 1 1/2 weeks after having her.
If I didn't, I would have had to repeat the entire
 She was 6.1 lbs and born at 1:20pm.
She was healthy despite being 6 weeks early.
 Our hearts had never known this kind was amazing.
It still is.
Carly has lived her life just like she entered this world....
keeping everyone around her on their toes
because they never know what is going to be next.
Your mom and dad love you more than you will
EVER understand.  We are so proud that you
want independence and are working at
getting it together.  As you turn 21, it comes with
blessings and curses.  Recognize them BOTH!
Keep God at the front and you should have no problems.
Put Him at the back, and you will make your path
rougher.  Don't rush your life, take time to smell
the roses and don't believe all that you see in
other people's lives.....  Some look way better than
they actually are.
You have a beautiful life ahead of you!!!
Enjoy being officially a certified ADULT!!!

Mom & Dad

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

52 NEW Recipes in 2011 (#6)


I know I am behind on posting recipes.  It doesn't mean that
I haven't cooked any new recipes.
It means that my family is in a busy time of the year
heading to all the stock shows.

 This recipe appealed to me for some reason.
For one, I don't think I've ever had Greek seasoning.
Of course in our small town, finding a seasoning with
GREEK written on it was a NO GO.
Another thing it had was zucchini.
We all like zucchini.
Of course, I couldn't find squash is the next best thing right?

The ingredient I was hesitant about was FETA CHEESE.
I do not care for FETA CHEESE, but decided I would at
least give it a try.
After all, I had just had some on some bruschetta and actually liked it.

When it comes time to cut the Pita Bread, us a pizza cutter....
of course I figured this out AFTER I cut it with a serrated knife...saw, saw, saw.
OK, back to the seasoning.....I couldn't find GREEK SEASONING.
So, I did the next best thing and called my MOMMY.
She wasn't sure, so we did the next best thing behind a mom's experience....
she googled it.
According to the ingredients, the MEDITERRANEAN SEASONING was
really close to the GREEK SEASONING.

It didn't look much different AFTER it cooked.
To me, it smelled good.

Here it is in all it's glory.
Ready for the real test.
Did it pass the manly man test or not?

He even said, 2 thumbs down.
Of course he is holding the plate with the other thumb and couldn't point it down.
When I asked if he liked it.....he said, "I like the peas and carrots."
This recipe was a thumbs down by all 3 of us.
I can't pinpoint if it was using a different seasoning and squash or the feta
We did like the toasted pita so all was not lost.
So, please make sure YOU try it and let me know what YOU think.
The dogs liked it......

Friday, February 11, 2011


This is if you happen to like the FLYLADY.NET way of getting organized.  I am posting this here so there can be easy access.

Have you ever felt like a ZONEBIE (aka zombie) when you go to look at the current zone? Here is an easy way to focus on any ZONE - Just think PURPLE. Often, I find myself running around all day cleaning and flying but at the end of the day, I look back and it LOOKS like I've not really done anything when I know I have. By focusing on ONE AREA/ZONE, it DOES look like something was accomplished and not only does it LOOK like it, it is CLEAN.

This works for any job, it gives FOCUS.  It is SIMPLE.  You do it yourself and see accomplishments when you are finished.  It can be done in one 15 minute session or break it into more than one 15 minute session.  It is up to YOU, not anyone else....and believe it or not, you can do it at anytime of the day!

EXAMPLE:  I used it for my Morning Routine (MR):  I "P"rimped, I "U"nloaded the dishwasher, I "R"escued my bathroom, I "P"lanned my dinner, I did some "L"aundry, I "E"liminated some trash.  PURPLE.

P = Purge, Plan, Pick up, Pile, Primp (Choose one and just do it)

U = Under/Up (Look UNDER stuff and clean, Look UP and clean), Unload

R = Rescue, Renew, Replace, Repair, Remind, Repeat, Run (Run the sweeper, mop, etc.),

P = Pick Up and Put Away, or do any from the 1st "P"

L = Love (Show some love in this zone, make it prettier, Shine a window, Dust, etc.) Load, Laundry

E = Etc. or Empty (This is the final letter so do anything you might have not touched in the first 5 letters) Eliminate, Escape, Email,

You could do one letter a day for 15 minutes. This will get your zone work done M - S.
You could also just run though the letters quickly to make sure the zone looks good.
Even if you do a room rescue, PURPLE works.

This idea was thought up by several flybabies working together to help keep a FOCUS. It has made a huge difference for several people and I just wanted as many as possible to benefit from it. Please try it and see if you see a difference.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Can you spot JoJo in the snow?
Can you see the little black specks behind him?
Those are Canadian Geese.
 No, we do NOT live in Canada.
Yes, we have some beautiful land that
the geese seem to think is a great hotel to
stop off at on their annual treks north and south.
 Uh Oh!  The poodle sees some movement.
If dogs can have ADHD, this one has it.
 I call him.
He looks.
I swear he stuck out his tongue!
 Here is how deep this stuff is...just to give you some
perspective of the trouble that dog
is about to get himself into....
Wave at my manly man who takes care of the
outside chores!
 There he goes....
dumb dog.
 Also, I am using the SUPER ZOOM lens....
"Things in picture appear much closer than
they really are."
 Even dumber dog.
 Where did he go?
 At this point, I thought he'd freeze to death....
I was preparing myself for the mourning
 Bye-Bye JoJo.
 See?  We got some serious snow!!!
Oh and just in case you have an in ground
redneck fire pit like we do,
you might want to mark it with one of those
bicycle flags....
or you might accidentally find it while
walking through the yard and end
up with snow clear up to your waist.
Don't ask me how I know this.....
So, while JoJo was a million miles away
chasing the geese, I turned around and
look what was right behind our house.
A mallard!!!
Dumb dumb dog.

In case you were wondering.....JoJo DID make it back...
he had giant snowballs attached to his fur......
but he was and is alive.  No dogs, geese, or ducks
were harmed in the making of this blog post.
I promise.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

52 NEW Recipes in 2011 (#5)


Besides the fact that I've never EVER had bourbon and had to go
to the liquor store to get some.....just know that I live in a very small
town with at least 3 liquor stores.  Eyebrows still raise if your
car is seen at one.....

Sooooo, I made sure I advertised on facebook that should
one see my car at the liquor store....I was there to get some bourbon for a recipe.
Then I made sure to ask for input on the best kind of bourbon....I got several
comments.  I am very glad I did this because I would have
bought the GIANT bottle that is on the shelf.

Did you know they are very sly and keep smaller sizes BEHIND the counter.
I thought it was so people would buy the bigger one....but to my bigger is because of THEFT....much easier to slide into a pocket or purse.

If we are going to park 3 parking lots over and sneak to the liquor store, we
certainly aren't going to try to steal it and chance getting BUSTED.

 This recipe is reallllly easy.
It has few ingredients.
Now, either I put way too much breading on it
or the recipe is waaaaaay off.
 It calls for 8 boneless skinless breasts.

 Here is the breading....butter, pecans, bread crumbs.
 I only got THREE breasts coated......
I didn't think they were huge breasts either.

 So, I made up somewhat of another batch....I didn't have
enough bread crumbs.
I managed to squeak out enough for one more breast.

 Here is the bourbon and other stuff cooking....
I know you are thinking it....YES!  I did take a small
swig of the bourbon just to see if I might like it.
The answer is NO!
It tastes like rubbing alcohol to me!
 I poured the sauce over the cooked breasts
and put them in the oven to keep warm.
 Dinner is served!!!!
This really easy to make.
It took ONE hour to get it on the table...even with
the fry time.
Yah, I know, he is back in his chair.....
and multi-tasking talking to his buddy, Bobby.
I will make sure I double the ingredients next time.
We are loving the new recipe far,
we have liked all the new recipes!!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oklahoma Bizzard 2011

This is looking west from our patio.
Normally, we have a huge open pasture here....and
you can see 1/4 of a mile at least.
It is total white out with winds blowing
40 mph from the north.

This picture gives you idea of how far we can
normally see from our patio.....

GOALS 2011 - January Update

How'd I do in January????

1.  52 NEW RECIPES - I have successfully tried 4 new recipes in January.  (Hoagies, Homemade Pizza, Sauerkraut/Pasta Dish, and Homemade Tortillas with Homemade Queso)  The husband has loved every they are keepers.

2.  CLEAN OUT THE OLD HOMESTEAD - Not a thing done to it.

3.  TEAR DOWN THE OLD GARAGE - DONE!!  I have a picture still hasn't been hauled off or burned, but will by summer.



6.  GET VW WINDSHIELD FIXED BY FEB. 1ST - NOPE!  We have had other expenses come up, so this has been put on hold since it isn't a safety issue yet.

7.  TAKE MORE PRIDE IN OUR VEHICLES - YES!  I spent the first Sunday sweeping and sweeping and sweeping out the took about 2 hours altogether to get the inside of the car cleaned out.  I am proud to say that it only takes less than 10 minutes to sweep it out each Sunday after church.  This was a HUGE light bulb moment for me.  Even if it doesn't LOOK dirty, CLEAN IT!  It will never get gross dirty if you do.  I washed the car once in the month...which is a great I was lucky to wash it 3 -4 times a YEAR.  Don't judge me!  We live on dirt roads and it is depressing when you wash and by the time you get home, it is covered in dirt.

8.  ORGANIZE THE CURRENT GARAGE - NOPE!  We are still hashing out the details of what we want and need in it.

9.  LEARN SOME NEW THINGS TO DO WITH THE BREAD RECIPE - YES!  I made homemade pizza crust and it is AWESOME!

10.  CONTINUE TO FLY WITH THE FLYLADY - YES!  I did deep clean all 5 zones in January.  I have some buddies who are also trying to focus on the zones and we have come up with a ZONEBUSTER game we play together.  Because I have become more passionate about the zones, I didn't stick too well with the weekly home blessing hour....but I did manage to keep the floor swept and the feather dusting done.

11.  FEED MY SPIRITUAL SOUL - YES!  I am continuing online "classes" through  Our Sunday school class has really stepped up and decided to make a change and be a part of the solution.  I have really stepped up my prayer life as well and am seeing a big bonus in that area.

12.  READ A BOOK A MONTH - EH!  I have a book I need to finish.....fiction is my downfall....seriously, I can start a great fiction book and put it down and not pick it up again!  I am currently snowed, maybe I will finish it.  It is called "A Vintage Affair".  It is realllly good.....I have no idea why I can't sit still and read it.

13.  DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY - YES!  I have had very few days where I didn't get them all in.  Most days, it is more than 8.

14.  PLANT A GARDEN - NOPE!  It isn't time yet...hee hee.

15.  GET CHIMNEY CLEANED - DONE!  We were having problems with back puffing into the house, so we went ahead and had it cleaned in January.  It was NASTY!

16.  FIND A NEW COUCH - NOPE!  I have been looking.

17.  WEIGHT LOSS - YES!  I lost 5 lbs.

18.  BLOG UPDATES ON THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH - DONE!  You are reading this on Feb. 1st.

So far, I am doing pretty good on the goals.  I need to figure out how to list the recipes so they are easy to find.....I know there is a way, just have to figure it out.  I encourage you to try the recipe has really helped get us out of a slump of having the samo samo stuff.