
Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday My Oldest Daughter - Carly

Yep, hard to believe that 21 years can go by in a blip....
She wasn't due for 6 more weeks...but she just HAD
to come busting into the world early.
Her dad and I were 3 weeks into our
 student teaching.....
We were dirt poor student teachers.
Thanks to our mothers, I was able to
be reassured that she was well taken
care of while I went back to student
teaching only 1 1/2 weeks after having her.
If I didn't, I would have had to repeat the entire
 She was 6.1 lbs and born at 1:20pm.
She was healthy despite being 6 weeks early.
 Our hearts had never known this kind was amazing.
It still is.
Carly has lived her life just like she entered this world....
keeping everyone around her on their toes
because they never know what is going to be next.
Your mom and dad love you more than you will
EVER understand.  We are so proud that you
want independence and are working at
getting it together.  As you turn 21, it comes with
blessings and curses.  Recognize them BOTH!
Keep God at the front and you should have no problems.
Put Him at the back, and you will make your path
rougher.  Don't rush your life, take time to smell
the roses and don't believe all that you see in
other people's lives.....  Some look way better than
they actually are.
You have a beautiful life ahead of you!!!
Enjoy being officially a certified ADULT!!!

Mom & Dad


  1. Sniff, sniff.....What great post Traci and what a great young lady!!

  2. Mom and Dad you have done a great job on her.

  3. Awww ... bet you're proud and sad.
    I totally understand cause my baby turns 21 in a couple weeks. She's a lovely young lady; y'all did a great job!


Howdy!!! Thanks for posting a comment....I was beginning to think I was allllll alone in here. Thanks for stopping by and having a cup of coffee with me!!!