
Friday, August 26, 2011

Getting Out of the Box

This was inspired by a certain boy (Jacob), who shall remain
He has the perfect vintage size and shape for some
really awesome senior pictures using vintage style
I told him to TRUST me.
He is having a difficult time TRUSTING me.
I think he gets it from his parents.  (Mel & Rhonda)
I must get him out of his "I want the typical Senior Portraits Box."
So, this is my new motto/logo I came up with....
Does Jacob get out of his box?
Stay tuned......

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Shot a Preacher and His Family at a Church!

Believe it or not, Jesus still loves me!!!
Meet the Davis family.
They like to have family pictures made to remember
their appointed churches.
I was very excited to get the honor to "shoot" them.

I didn't expect that I would end up so nervous, I couldn't relax.
I also didn't think the coloring of the church would play
games with me.

These two pictures are rare for the Davis family.
They very rarely get to all sit in a pew together as a family.
Why?  Well, DUH, he is a PREACHER.
Also, she is a very talented musician and is
often in the worship band.

So, anyhow...this is normally a WILLLD AND CRAZY family!
Taking serious pictures, was hard for me.
I promise, I will get them away from the church to
have a great time getting their real personalities.

Did you just GASP?  I have a picture of the PREACHER
kissing his WIFE in front of the CHURCH!!!
Poor preachers....sort of like teachers....people don't
want to believe they are NORMAL.
I also have a picture of them KISSING INSIDE the church!
It didn't turn out hoo!!!
It would have been an great pictures.

This is my new creation!!!
I woke up in the middle of the night with this idea.
I put out the plea for a family to try it.
The family I chose, never got with me.
I decided to do it with the Davis family.
Just imagine the possibilities with this.....Grandkids spelling
out GRANDKIDS.  Oh my mind is going 100mph about
the possibilites.
Thanks Davis family for letting me shoot you at the church.
I promise I won't be as nervous next time...if there is a next time... :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Inspires You?

There are times in my life where I just want to express my
joy through creativity.
In my Sunday School Class, we are currently studying the book, Weird, by Craig Groeschel.
He spoke about Esau giving up his birthright
for a bowl of red stew.
To the casual reader, one might think SO is just a birthright.
When you study deeper, you learn that the birthright is a bit
more than what it means in today's world.

Esau traded the ultimate for the immediate pleasure of red stew.
Esau could have been the one who was blessed by Isaac, son of Abraham.
Esau could have been the one that carried the line
straight to Jesus.
Abraham, Isaac and Esau......
It was more than a birthright.
It is ALWAYS more than the immediate satisfaction.
Instead, Jacob got to carry on the birthright.
If you don't let God use you, He WILL find someone else.
Are you trading a bowl of red stew for something that will later be meaningless?
What are you trading for the Ultimate?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Camera Strap for My Nikon D90

I found this cute little tutorial on Pinterest.
(CLICK HERE) for the tutorial.
It was really easy, I made it in a little under an hour.
I did it in the usual FLYLADY WAY:  15 minutes sewing, 15 minutes cleaning.

Here are some hints I would use the next time I make one.

1.  Make a pattern first.  I do NOT sew, so I do not have the fancy cutting boards, etc.  Plus, it will make the next strap so much easier.
2.  Use FUSIBLE batting.  I did not.  Mine rolled a little.  I might even sew top stitching the length of the strap to give it that quilted look.
3.  The pocket was too small for my lens.  :(  I guess I would have to measure my lens to make sure I made the strap a little wider for the lens pocket.
4.  Use contrasting fabric for the pocket.  I did NOT do this and think it
would look so much cuter.
5.  Use "attaching a camera strap the Nikon way" video on YouTube so you
don't have little strap flaps.  It really makes me look like I know what I am doing.

Thank you Little Big Girl Studio for the great tutorial!!!!
Total Project Cost = $2.00

Friday, August 12, 2011

Never too Old for the First Day of School Picture!!!

Our youngest is growing up so fast......while she will
be a sophomore in high school, our middle will
be a sophomore in college....WOW!
Running right now to find middle daughter and make a picture
like this of her college years!!!

Vintage Hairstyles

I have always had a passion for all things vintage.
I remember in high school, wishing I could wear poodle skirts
and saddle oxfords.
I was afraid of what people would say....
I tried to raise my children in a WEIRD way...
go against the norm.
"See yourself through God's eyes, not the world."

I love my girls and love their desire to please God.
I love that they accept my vintage style and also
find some things they try themselves.
I regret that I didn't step out from the norm when I was
younger.....I am so glad my girls do not have this fear.
Seeing how cute their hair is...makes me want to grow
mine out.....NAH!  I just like the short, I
get headaches too easily with long hair.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Does Your Cell Phone Fall to the Bottom of Your Purse?

First I have to apologize for the poor picture
A certain youngest daughter borrowed my point and click
camera and left it at her grandparents' home.

Ok, now on to the important business.
I have a Blackberry Torch.
My very first "smart" phone.
I was so scared I would break the face of it, I
bought an Otterbox.
I broke the Otterbox.
I have not replaced the Otterbox.
Otterbox needs to make a better one or lower
the price.
The Blackeberry Torch has a terrible fallacy.
The lock key on it is very very easily unlocked.
Just trying to push it into a pocket will unlock it.
I do NOT like this at all.
I am sure people do NOT like
getting butt dialed by me.
I know I don't want to risk the data charges should
I accidentally hit the touch screen while
unlocked in my pocket.
I had to come up with a way of keeping track of it in my purse
and also tyring to keep it from getting unlocked in my
bottomless canyon purse.
Quite some time ago, I started clipping my keys
to the straps on my purse.
This kept me from digging and pulling everything out
in a panic even when I KNEW they were in my purse.
You know, that split second thought...."UH OH".
I know it is nerdy, but it works for me.
I use a rock climber thing-a-ma-jig.
So, if I can easily find my keys, why can't I find my cell phone?

I decided to give a cell phone pouch a try.
I can just make it like a key chain and hook
it to my keys.
I didn't want to go get specific material for this
project....I didn't even know if it would turn out.
I had found an old pair of capri's at our LOVE CLOSET.
No one wanted them, so I decided to re-purpose them.

I started by  searching YouTube for any tutorials.
I couldn't get the right key words or there aren't any out there
specifically for this product.
I improvised.
I watched a POUCH tutorial.
I had to make a few adjustments, like adding the little
hanger strap, but it was pretty easy.

I had to use interfacing again.....I had to read
the directions on which side to iron AGAIN...thank
goodness I saved them...or I am sure I would have to YouTube
the instructions...LOL.

After about 1 hour and 45 minutes, I had my
pouch finished.  I tried to take a picture of my
cute pouch holding the cell phone, but.....
like I said earlier....I didn't have my camera
and had to use my phone camera.

It is a little wider than I needed, but it works just fine.
I even added some little Velcro dots to
keep it closed.
I am thinking I could make these like the
with a zipper! 
I hope I've inspired you to try something new.

Monday, August 1, 2011

24 Years Ago Today.......

I was 19.
I was young and in love.
I didn't know what love really was.
I married my high school sweetheart.
I am pretty sure people didn't expect us to last this long.
I remember on my honeymoon, having
a mini-panic attack.
I was repeating to myself....I can just get
a divorce if it doesn't work out.
I made myself sick...literally.
I was sick for our entire honeymoon.
I survived.
We managed to graduate college.
We managed to raise three beautiful girls.
We managed to go against the cultural norm
of divorce.
We've managed to stay married.
I almost feel sorry for those who haven't experienced
a lengthy marriage.
I know I can honestly say, I am truly, madly
deeply in love with my "Carl".
No, our interests aren't the same....he has his
hobbies and I have mine.  We appreciate that
about each other.
It works for us.
We've grown up together....we've been with
each other longer than we were with
our own parents.
We are ready for next year...the big 25!
We are going to just hit the road and check
out some diners, dives and drives!!!
I love you Carl!!!  I really really do!!!
I would say I DO all over again!!!

I'm MMmmmEELLLLLLTING.........

Please, please pray for some relief from this heat wave and drought!!!
Thank you.