
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Neat Finds from Last Week


Retro clock I got for a whopping $2.50 at Ross Dress for Less

It is NOT a wind up clock...uses batteries.

Even the little hands glow in the dark!

Right now its home is in the bathroom....I'm actually looking

for a chippy little metal shelf to put it on right by our sink.

We have a problem with the OKLAHOMA WIND blowing

items off of our back porch. The mornings are a wonderful

place to sit and drink coffee...when the wind isn't blowing.

I'm slowing finding furniture that I feel can withstand the

wind....and this bench is proof.

Last night we had severe storms blow in and this 10 ft. baby

didn't BUDGE!!!

Now, what to do with it....

Should I paint it?

Should I add pillows?
(even with a "pillow thief" look at the picture under my heading)

I am hoping the stupid dog enjoys the pillow he has now

claimed and won't take anymore of my pillows!

What is really funny about the pillow thing is that once


it is like the chase is over....he never moves it from the

spot he put it....he used to drag the thing all around, making SURE

I saw it every time I walked outside.

Now, I only see it when coming up the

I added this picture just so you can see

the SIZE of the pillow thief!

He is the size of a SMALL HORSE and eats MORE than a REGULAR HORSE!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What We Do When Stockshow Season is OVER...

Look very closely at this pictures....
Do you notice anything...other than the fact
I am NOT in the picture?
Look at Dad's feet.....They are NOT on the GROUND....
isn't that a hoot...he tried to be the stud when he jumped
and this is how it turned out!
Don't ask what the "cool" teenager is doing on the left....
see, she should have just jumped like she was asked to do...
now, I get to show THIS picture of her on my
Regan is getting the idea....her feet aren't on the
ground either!!!
Now, this is least Dad got into it.....
the "cool" teenager STILL didn't GET IT!!!
She thought if she raised her arms a tiny little bit, that
we would be fooled into thinking she really JUMPED!
Don't you just want to poke Regan in the belly?
What is also funny is that the dog, aka Rascal...pillow thief...
does JUST THE OPPOSITE....AS NORMAL!!! He lays down when told to JUMP!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Running from or chasing???

Ok, thanks to Just Beachy for posting my laugh of the day....

We used to have a Great Dane that did this...well, not to THIS extreme.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am starting a wall collage of vintage pictures....I've got a small start

Both pictures were only $1.00 EACH.

Vintage embroidered pillowcases...$2.00 EACH.

These will go super witht he pink afghan I got at a thrift store.

I can't wait to see these on my bed....IF I can keep the little

Daisy Doodle Rat Terrier off the things....arrrgggh.

Make sure you head on over to COLORADO LADY to see more of this
great carnival of vintage goodness.


A new thing is happening....someone, HOLLY, finally started a
CARNIVAL about THRIFTING....woohooo...this is my first
Here are some goodies I got while shopping thrift stores in THE CITY while
attending the STOCKSHOW for the ENTIRE SPRING BREAK.
Yah, I'm sure EVERYONE wants to spend their spring break
A beautiful sweater dress....looks very new. $1.00
Olive button-up cardigan...very Samantha on "Bewitched".... $1.00

Adorable retro MY SIZE.... $2.00

This is the BEST bargain....a FOSSIL purse for $6.00.
Youngest daughter snatched it to replace the purse she has
been carrying for at least A YEAR!!
An orange sherbet Old Navy sweater... $1.00
There was other stuff....just couldn't find it all since the family
took off with it before I could snap pictures.
I know I got my hubby 2 GANT shirts for $1.00 each.
Also, a pink crocheted afghan for my bedroom. $1.00
A new towel body wrap w/ Betty Boop on it....$1.00!

If you want to see more THRIFT STORE GOODNESS, head

over to see Holly at Homebody.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Those are NOT leaves....

If I didn't know better, I would be thinking that
Alfred Hitchcock is a guest at this hotel.....
My dear friends....those are NOT leaves....
those are BIRDS!!!
(Wouldn't this picture make a great Halloween picture?)

I think they took the term BLACK TOP to a new level....ewwwwww.
These birds come to roost every night....tons and tons of them
They fill the trees....
They chatter all night....
Yep, if it isn't my's the BIRDS!!!
I really think they followed Sydni here....
after all, she is such an easy poop target...
Just ask her, she has a better chance of getting pooped on
by a bird than she does of graduating high haaaaaaa!

A New Hair Stylist in the Making.....

This POPS....he is Regan's BFF. He likes to watch her play games...he even sometimes plays with her....he usually loses...but at least he TRIES.....

Look....he even knows how to put on hairspray!
Notice that SHE is playing w/ his IPHONE.....

Awwww.....didn't he do a purdy job?
Don't know too many POPS who will do this, do you?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm telling you....goats are VERY SMART!!!

When we first got into the "goat business", my husband ASSUMED
the goats were as "simple" as sheep....
WRONG!!! (If you haven't been around a lamb...he can go through a hole in the fence and NEVER find the hole again....)
We had a goat watch my husband open a bag of cattle cubes
EVERYDAY for a week....
I watched the goat and tried to tell my husband that he was
watching so he could open the bag himself.....
My husband just poo poo'd me off.....

Well, I want you to know that that "dumb" goat climbed the stack
of feed....
got on his knees
put his lips around the string....
and RIPPED OPEN the bag of cattle cubes....
He didn't put a hole in the bag...he opened it THE WAY IT SHOULD BE OPENED!
Then, of course all the goats started having
a field day w/ the open bag of cubes...
I swear there were even some that had those little
hidden pouches in their cheeks and they were
stuffing them know like the little hamsters do?
Yep, had to start keeping the goats out of the feed room after that.....

Hmmmmm....I wonder what my husband would have said
if I would have shown him THIS GOAT?
I'm thinking his name should be changed to HOUDINI...what do you think?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

But the flowers are BLOOMING.....

Ahhhh....spring....IN MARCH?.....EARLY MARCH?
going on here......

It CAN'T be snowing....everything is BLOOMING!!
If you can't see it...there are blooms on that tree....and there is also

Click the pictures to make them larger if YOU CAN'T SEE THE SNOW!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Need a BANNER?


Jenny (hubby's cousin) made this banner for Carly...who almost always has to celebrate her birthday at the stockshows. Which is why the ugly background.

Jenny did such an AMAZING job on this banner...don't you think?

I got to pick my colors and theme....pinks and blues and that a word?

Look at all the love and detail she put into it!

These pictures don't do it justice!

Make sure you pop on over to JENNY's SITE (CLICK HERE)
and have her make you a custom banner. I think it is $2.00 a letter.
While you are there, hang around and read some of her posts...she is quite a funny gal!
I plan to hang this banner for all birthdays in the family!!!
This is Jenny taking a picture of me.....I was supposed to post this pic a long time ago....she has my pic on her blog.....SOMEWHERE.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How We did at the Local Stockshow.....

These are the pictures from the local newpaper.....just tryin' to keep you updated!!!
Sydni's crazy Grand Hog.....everyone's trying to get in the picture!!!

Regan with the Grand Goat at the local sale....w/ mom and dad...the buyers.

Here is Sydni and my mom and dad.....this was at our local show and sale.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quick Update....

It is THAT time of year again....the spring stockshows!!!
We are heading from here to there.....dragging the animals around....dragging the kids around....eating at too many restaurants....
So, I'll try to post in between the madness!!!
In the meantime....
If you forget, it could be a baaaaaaahhhhdd
might show up EARLY to church on Sunday!!!