All February updates are in RED. I am going to keep them running...each month will be a different color.
1. 52 NEW RECIPES - I have successfully tried 4 new recipes in January. (Hoagies, Homemade Pizza, Sauerkraut/Pasta Dish, and Homemade Tortillas with Homemade Queso) The husband has loved every they are keepers. We tried 3 new recipes in February. I haven't blogged all of them yet. I missed a week, but will make up for it in the future. We did finally get the THUMBS down recipe.....2. CLEAN OUT THE OLD HOMESTEAD - Not a thing done to it. Still nothing done to it.
3. TEAR DOWN THE OLD GARAGE - DONE!! I have a picture still hasn't been hauled off or burned, but will by summer.
4. RUN A WATER LINE TO THE BARNS - NOPE! Nope again. We had a huge blizzard hit, so even if we wanted to do this, we couldn't have done it.
6. GET VW WINDSHIELD FIXED BY FEB. 1ST - NOPE! We have had other expenses come up, so this has been put on hold since it isn't a safety issue yet. This still hasn't been done.
7. TAKE MORE PRIDE IN OUR VEHICLES - YES! I spent the first Sunday sweeping and sweeping and sweeping out the took about 2 hours altogether to get the inside of the car cleaned out. I am proud to say that it only takes less than 10 minutes to sweep it out each Sunday after church. This was a HUGE light bulb moment for me. Even if it doesn't LOOK dirty, CLEAN IT! It will never get gross dirty if you do. I washed the car once in the month...which is a great I was lucky to wash it 3 -4 times a YEAR. Don't judge me! We live on dirt roads and it is depressing when you wash and by the time you get home, it is covered in dirt. OK!!! YAY!! Finally I have a great update! I have still done this PLUS washed the outside at least TWICE in February!!!
8. ORGANIZE THE CURRENT GARAGE - NOPE! We are still hashing out the details of what we want and need in it. Still a big fat NO!
9. LEARN SOME NEW THINGS TO DO WITH THE BREAD RECIPE - YES! I made homemade pizza crust and it is AWESOME! I haven't done anything else with it....I am having a lot of fun doing the pizza though.
10. CONTINUE TO FLY WITH THE FLYLADY - YES! I did deep clean all 5 zones in January. I have some buddies who are also trying to focus on the zones and we have come up with a ZONEBUSTER game we play together. Because I have become more passionate about the zones, I didn't stick too well with the weekly home blessing hour....but I did manage to keep the floor swept and the feather dusting done. At this current moment as I am typing this, I am using my timer! I did learn that if I don't keep the routines, then my house will look like I haven't done a thing in weeks. Also, I got the sewing/guest room mostly finished. I wouldn't be afraid to have someone sleep in there now. My bed has been made EVERY DAY.
11. FEED MY SPIRITUAL SOUL - YES! I am continuing online "classes" through Our Sunday school class has really stepped up and decided to make a change and be a part of the solution. I have really stepped up my prayer life as well and am seeing a big bonus in that area. I have slacked a bit in this area on a personal level. I attended our women's retreat with my church and it as a wonderfully renewing experience. I roomed with some of the most amazing women!!!
12. READ A BOOK A MONTH - EH! I have a book I need to finish.....fiction is my downfall....seriously, I can start a great fiction book and put it down and not pick it up again! I am currently snowed, maybe I will finish it. It is called "A Vintage Affair". It is realllly good.....I have no idea why I can't sit still and read it. Yah, still not so good. I will have plenty of time to read while at the stockshows this month, so maybe I will catch up.
13. DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY - YES! I have had very few days where I didn't get them all in. Most days, it is more than 8. YES!! I have done really well with this....I can't even think of the last time I had a soda pop.
14. PLANT A GARDEN - NOPE! It isn't time yet...hee hee. Not yet, but I do need to get the old stuff torn out...right now, the birds are reallying loving it.
15. GET CHIMNEY CLEANED - DONE! We were having problems with back puffing into the house, so we went ahead and had it cleaned in January. It was NASTY!
16. FIND A NEW COUCH - NOPE! I have been looking. I am still looking and will look while we are at the BIG CITY.
17. WEIGHT LOSS - YES! I lost 5 lbs. Boo! I gained 3...I know it has to do with the fact we eat out a lot in February and March...but know that is not an excuse.
18. BLOG UPDATES ON THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH - DONE! You are reading this on Feb. 1st. is the FEBRUARY update, so YES, I did keep up with it!!!
Jan - So far, I am doing pretty good on the goals. I need to figure out how to list the recipes so they are easy to find.....I know there is a way, just have to figure it out. I encourage you to try the recipe has really helped get us out of a slump of having the samo samo stuff.
January = BLACK
February = RED
I guess you need to add....VISIT FARMCHICK because you have not done that either lately!! hahaha Hope you are doing well...and please do stop by soon!