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Here are a few...ok, a lot of pics from our recent trip to the Air & Space Museum.
Mr. Pilot showed how air pressure works. He has a cup of water UPSIDE DOWN.
He put a piece of PAPER over the top of the cup before tipping the cup UPSIDE DOWN. He then removes his hand and VOILA...the water is remaining in the cup. DO THIS EXPERIMENT OVER A SINK! ALSO USE A SOLID CUP...THE WATER YOU SEE IS FROM HIM SQUEEZING THE CUP...
Of course, the kids wanted to make sure they could do it also...so, here they are.
This is room temperature red food coloring added to a tank of water.
On the right are ice cubes w/ blue food coloring.
This experiment shows how a cold front and a warm front meet and what happens....you can almost see the storms brewing, can't you?
Soooo, after the water in the cup experiment, Mr. Pilot wanted to see if it would stay in a cup if he REMOVED the piece of paper..... Michael was more than willing to be a volunteer....after he got his arm twisted...JUST KIDDIN.
Here the cup WITH the paper is balancing on his head....
The paper is REMOVED....I think Michael is worried at this point. THE WATER STAYED!!!
Mr. Pilot played a joke on us....he had gel beads in the cup when he poured in the water. The gel beads soaked up the water and made a solid!
You can find these gel beads in DIAPERS....cut a dry diaper open. Now you know the secret of DIAPERS!!!
What a fun trip. I miss homeschooling when I see things like this! Great job!
Ahhhh, now I know how its done!!! X
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