Well, I didn't GAIN OR LOSE....stayed the same.....I really blew it yesterday....was eating like a horse...so, I'm glad that I didn't gain....and if I do, I've got time to work it off. That is what I get for trying to shoot for 5 pounds this week....arrgggh. So, CHAS, how'd you do? I hope you did better than I.
0 lbs lost = -3 lbs in 3 weeks
Summer time is so hard with all of the BBQ's and celebrations. 0's not so bad, it could have been worse. I know now that I'm posting my gain/loss honestly for anyone to see, I'm definitely putting more thought into what goes into my mouth before I put it there. Good luck this week.
I did read yours first, and had to remember how to post a link- it's been a couple weeks since I last did it. Again, good luck, try to survive the 4th intact. I heard some good advice this week. "There are 21 meals in a week, so even if you screw one up, you still have 20 chances to do the right thing."
Thanks for the compliments on my blog. Some of the books Ive been reading are some cookbooks from the fifties such as Better Home and Gardens New Cookbook which is filled with tips. The Housewifes Handbook, Betty Crockers Good and Easy Cookbook, Betty Crockers Guide to Easy Entertaining and The Perfect Hostess. All are from the fifties and so much fun to read!
Goodness you are trying to lose too much too fast. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week or else you are going to start losing lean muscle..not good!! Also make sure you take your measurements in addition to getting on the scale and get on the scale at the same time of the day on the days your weight yourself because you tend to weigh more in the afternoon with water weight. When my husband left for his 2nd tour in Iraq I was 5'5" and 165 lbs, halfway through his tour I was down to 135. The reason I say take your measurements is because I went through a 5 week period where I didnt lose a single pound BUT I did lose inches, if I hadnt been measuring I surely would have thought I wasnt losing weight and just given up.
I feel your pain!
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