Quick note to say that I SURVIVED the hottest camp of all time! I felt like everywhere I stood, I left a sweat puddle. I'm sorry to report that I am at the mercy of others who TOOK A CAMERA before I can post any pictures. I got panicked at the last minute and decided NOT to take the camera. I don't have a good lens cap or a good bag to keep it in. Also....yes, and I know this was CHURCH camp, there have been thefts in the past. Soooooo, until someone...um EMILY, sends me pictures....I won't have any.
We had a great time though.....I kept praying for SNOW and would you believe that........God, in his infinite wisdom and sense of humor......DID NOT ANSWER THAT REQUEST......hmmmm, I guess it really would have sent the media into a global warming tailspin. He did however, send a wonderful breeze on the next to last day......I swear at times, it even felt like A/C.
The speaker was Brock Morgan from Oregon. If you ever get a chance to hear him, please DO. If I described him, I would say, "Picture a grown up version of SCREECH from Saved by the Bell." Yep, he even had the same facial expressions! He was very funny and I found myself laughing wayyyyyy too loudly at times.
The Dayspring Olympics didn't have Kibbles n Bits for us this year.....I know, you were so wanting me to tell all about the PUKING, weren't you? The only food event was......smearing an ENTIRE jar of peanutbutter on a BALLOON and yes, the ENTIRE team had to LICK it off!!! SICK SICK SICK......I thank GOD that my group said they would lose the points....they would have nothing to do with it!!!! I was sick just watching the other teams attempt it.
Some of the events:
Name your team and do a cheer.....we were the URPLE PURPLES.......YEAH!!!
Belly flop and cannon ball WITH your clothes on.....extra points if LEADERS did it.....YOU KNOW IT DID IT.......unfortunately, my FRUITY underwear was visible after getting my shorts wet.....oh, I don't think the campers were TOO traumatized by it. We got an extra 400 points!!!
Place an Alka Seltzer on forhead and let the rest of the team disolve it with WATER GUNS....do you know how long this took?
Put an Alka Seltzer in your mouth and take a swig of 7-UP and hold it in your mouth for 20 seconds.......this was hard.....it makes your cheeks swell up until the Alka Seltzer is exploded out of your mouth.........or NOSE. (Oh, this is post 95)I was successful....and got 200 points PER person....we all did it!
Hill Bowling......roll ball down hill and hit the pins.
Several Brain Teasers
Peel a banana with your feet.....a group of 4 had to work together and NOT break the banana. Should I mention that a certain Wagoner leader....NOT ME.....got 400 extra points for EATING the banana? cough, cough....BECKY....cough cough
Pour chocolate syrup into a cup......from the 2nd floor......then DRINK THE CHOCOLATE when finished.
Golf ball bobbing....very hard!!!
A lot of rolling in the grass....very itchy.
Ok, that is my update......I'll post more later. We are heading to the Pryor Cowboy Trade Days....see ya, pardner!
Glad to see you're back. It sounds like you had a ton of fun.
Sounds like so much fun!
To answer your question on my blog...my husband put in that fire pit a couple of years ago. We love to sit around it and have family talks!
I was telling Braden about your blog and your Dayspring Update - that he should go when he is old enough, etc. He wanted to read it - and he did. Then he turns to me and says - how big is an AlkaSeltzer? Doesn't it hurt when it shoots out your nose???!!!??? I have deprived/sheltered my child.....when I stopped laughing, I explained AlkaSeltzer and what it is supposed to do - versus what it does in the game you played. They need to start running the "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz...oh what a relief it is" commercial again so this generation has a clue!
He'll find out soon enough - his GO!Kids class is having a lock-in soon and we'll be playing a very similar game......
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