Although they may look like matched pairs, they aren't. I looked high and low in flea markets and antique places for these babies. I paid no more than $2.00 for a spoon and the cheapest was FREE. It took almost 9 months before I got to put them on the cabinets.....mostly due to a nervous husband on just HOW to do it. We got a friend, Bobby, to help and it was done in TWO evenings!
I was planning to use forks as well, but then thought that they might catch on shirts and pockets and be troublesome. I did use two forks on the cabinet above the microwave and like them.
As for my cabinet color, it is guacamole from Lowe's....but I used Anchor was cheaper. I'm not impressed with the coverage and might end up re-painting in a few years.
The baskets are African baskets I got at the fair....I've been trying to buy them for two years, but the man wouldn't come down on the price. Last fall, I went on the last day and wouldn't you know it, he was willing to bargain. I got both baskets for $30.00!!! That is 1/2 price. I keep my onions and potatoes in them.
Oh, I think that looks so cool! Whatever gave you the idea to use spoons as pulls? Those baskets are great. No wonder you kept trying for them. I'm glad you were finally able to get them. I don't know if I would have been so patient :0).
Enjoy your day!
Hi Traci!
First of all congrates on your weight loss!!!! 24 in 2 months is awesome girlfriend!
LOVE your spoons on your cubboards! I used spoons & forks in my little trailer to pull back my curtains!
That's so creative! Why don't you come on over to my house and get busy now! LOL!! Looks great too! I tried to add you to my google reader and it won't let sad. Is there a reason? I not all that techno savey and I'm just learning the blogging business.
I love your spoons on your cabinets and drawers!
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