I need to pause and let you know that this daughter has ALWAYS had an obsession with SOMETHING. Right now it is RUNESCAPE....everything she talks about is Runescape this, Runescape that..... Her obsessions started at a young age when she saw Beauty and the Beast. Well, most girls love that movie, story, etc....for Belle....well, not Regan, she loved the BEAST....she even would cut out little paper claws and tape them to her knuckles and feet.....and walk around on her toes like the beast....including the BENDED legs...lol. I made her a cape for Christmas that year and it almost touched the ground. She wore it until it was at her knees...that was at least 2 years!
Then, she went on to Ancient Egyptian stuff....MUMMIES in particular....You know the Hermit crab plastic cages? Well, she made a Barbie Mummy ( don't think Mattel has made that version of Barbie) complete with a sarcophagus (aka Hermit Crab Cage) and yes, actually carried it around with her. We could have won $10,000 on AFV for peoples reactions when they asked what was in the case....rofl. Some actually jumped back when she told them. This phase came and went several times...each time she learned more and more about history. We took a trip to Washington D.C. and she got to see an actual mummy.....what a highlight. While there, a school class came through and she walked them around and gave them the "tour"....even the teacher listened. I think she was 7 or 8 at this time. We were in a furniture store and she found a painting done on papyrus paper...framed and all for $30. She asked if she could put it on layaway and the lady let her! Regan went home, told her dad that she wanted to sell her beloved pet goat, Thunder. Long story short....no more Thunder and hello Egyptian painting.
Well, that is enough....that is just to give you a taste of my eccentric daughter's life...She is always amazing us.
Anyhow, the costumes in the Phantom are amazing. I shouldn't even mention the music....ahhhhhhhh, the music. I found myself tearing up several times. We had a beautiful night.....I enjoyed being w/ my mom and dad, sister, and husband and three daughters. I LOVE YOU!!!
I think Regan needs to come and live with me for awhile and explain some of the stuff to me! Some of it I just don't get...but hey...I've lived with four men for too long!
Hope you're having a good summer.
I have had that chocolate bar. It was so delicious. All of that chocolate and the almonds are heavenly.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I'm jealous. I would love to see Phantom as well as several other musicals, but between my husband and two sons, I don't forsee a future full of musical attendance. Your evening sounds like fun.
Phantom is so AWESOME! Glad you enjoyed it.
Love the story about Regan...she needs to meet my Kylan. He's the same way. Right now he's all about being a villager and living on an island and he only wants to wear cuts offs that have long strings hanging from them because that's what you would do if you were a villager stranded on an island. He also wants to buy a coconut really bad...guess I will let him next time we are at Reasors.
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