Are you a watcher of reality TV? We've had fun watching CW19's FARMER WANTS A WIFE! Tonight is the finale'....woohoo.....GO BROOKIE COOKIE!!! I will be sooooOOooOoOooo surprised if he ACTUALLY proposes to one of the girls. I really think Christa is just playing a game.....she will do anything to keep Brooke out of the game. I don't think she really would stay in a small town and be a farmer's wife.....HeLLLLOOOOOOOooo, she is from NEW YORK CITY! (I said that just like the Pace Picante Sauce commercial....could you hear it?)
I do worry that Brookie is quite young though.....well, at least they would make a cute couple. My mister farmer husband thinks that they will reveal that "the farmer" is really an heir to the Budweiser family......it is in Missouri and not far from St. Louis.
We've decided that if they do the show again....my oldest daughter will try out for it and act like a "city girl". All the girls are supposed to be "city" girls. They are tired of the arrogant men in the city. They want a REAL man...with manners and someone who will put his wife before himself......
I'm glad to say that I found that man!!! I LOVE YOU HONEY!!! Ok, got to go get ready for the show.....I'll let you know who wins!!!!
BROOKIE COOKIE.....and that is all we know, there was no reunion show or anything....we don't even know if they are still together. Sheesh, that was a low blow.......I wonder if they even have a national news.....like the way Survivor winners are interviewed the next day....hmmmmm.....what a disappointment.
We watched it one time...that was enough. Too many fakey-acting girls.
want you to know you got me hooked watching it and i was suprised they didn't have a "women tell all",too. It sure was entertaining, anyway :)
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