My favorite Halloween memories include when we would go camping with the entire extended family. All of the campers would decorate their campers, tents and cabins. There was a hot dog dinner, trick or treating and a haunted trail. The best decorated would win a free weekend of camping. Of course, we NEVER won that one.....but we had fun.
When my mother turned 60, we all had 60-themed costumes and she didn't get the clue until we brought out the birthday cake. While we were lined up to eat, a 60's Volkswagon bus drove into the campground......we made the mad dash across the grass and asked if we could have a picture with it......If I could get a copy of the picture, I'd post it......HEY MOM.....you got a copy?
Now it is your turn, what is your favorite Halloween memory?
Gosh - I remember the candy. Sorting through for the good stuff. Mine and later stealing the kid's!
My favorite memories are being the "mom" and answering the door for the little ghosts and creatures.
I always made the girl's costumes - from Miss Piggy, to ghosts, poodle skirts, Dorothy, angels, witches...lots of great memories!
Wait! My laugh out loud memory was Kali last year. I'll let Kaci share that one. "Hair raising!" LOL
Well my biggest Halloween memory from when I was little was when I wore my Wonder Woman costume to school--I wore a tneck and tights and my wonder woman underoos over it--my Mom made bands and a crown--everyone laughed becuase I wore my undies on the outside LOL!! They need to make underoos in big girl sizes--I would love some wonder woman ones!! LOL!!
Bumping all the candy out and sorting it into piles. I still like to do that. As soon as my kids fell asleep tonight I dumped out there candy.
Yeah, I know, I'm a little slow, just got a few minutes to actually read the most recent posts instead of just quickly browsing.
My most memorable Halloween was one year when my family was broke to say the least, so we found stuff we had to dress up. I was probably 9 and I dressed up in my mom's scrubs as a nurse. But my sister, who was 6 was what I remember most, because we all worked on it, we wrapped this huge box in Christmas paper and made arm holes and hole for her head and put a bow on her- Yes, she was a Christmas present! The reason I remember this is because it was sooooo cold that night and she had to wear her coat under her box so her arms stuck straight out like the kid on the "Christmas Story" movie and I had to help her with her candy bag! Yes, it was hilarious! And as we did every year, we ended the night after trick or treating with a big bowl of chili topped with lots of cheese.
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