Hey Kyle....aww, isn't he cute?

Entertaining himself during the goat show....notice the legs around him? THEY are watching the goat show....

What constellation is that? Hmmm.....I think the goats like m & m's but just the candy coating....they keep dropping out the chocolate parts all over the place.

Yep, this is my life.....always seeing the back end of things.......

I think he broke his neck while playing on the slide......someone call the VET.....I see a lawsuit happening.....no, maybe they will start putting warnings on the slides......
Seriously.....the baby is just sleeping......I wonder if the slide slid him to sleep...ba haaaaaaa.

Yeah, I feel like that some days also......

No, it isn't a cartoon mouth........

It is a CAMEL.....

Can you guess what this is? Go ahead, GUESS....I'm not telling.....

Hey RACHEL......you are now famous....well, Ben and Tanner are......Congrats on the RIBBON.

Isn't this neat?

This is done by a girl in our homeschool group.....isn't it AMAZING????

Pumpkin art.

Thanks for "popping" in......

Ok, this is HILARIOUS.....it is a KID RIDE.....HellloooOOoOOoo, what is WRONG with this picture?

Hey, how'd this get in there? This is Buddy....my mom's dog....the butt of Boots is to the side....I took care of them while mom was in the hospital. Silly dogs....always have to be in the middle of stuff...and that even includes pictures that don't belong with the THEME....
Beautiful photos...what fun! :o)
Love the fair pics, gets me reminiscing about when I was wearing that oh so stylish blue cordouroy! You are quite the photographer, great pics! my fav is the little boy with the trucks in the dirt, reminds me of Cooper, too sweet.
That look like such a blast! You would laugh at what they call a fair around here.
When I said I didn't like complainers I meant the kind who send there food back twice because it wasn't cooked right or they didn't want something on it. You Know the kind. ;)
Hi Traci!
Thanks for the hug!
I needed it.
I love the fair pictures you've been showing.
Our fair was over about a week ago.
We didn't go this year.We have gone every year for over 16 yrs and it's pretty much the same each time.Plus,we always have to work out my hubbys schedule to find out what days he will have OFF that we CAN make it.So we just decided not to bother again.
Frankly,I miss the funnel cakes.
Great pics! I just love that "baby asleep on the slide". One day I hope to live somewhere that I can actually have a pet goat. My mom had a pet goat when she was a small girl.
I missed our fair this year, it was just to darn hot to go.
Great pictures! MamaK tried to get me to come, but I'm too far away (I'm in KY)....maybe next year.
I have a question about the jackets...do all the kids wear them when they show(4-H and FFA)??? I've seen pictures of MamaK's son wearing his, but thought they were "just for the pics".
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