This is what we did at the retreat in our spare time.....learned to knit.
We will make prayer shawls to be used in missions!
Most of them started by making a scarf....then they can
move on to bigger stuff.....
Well, I'll bet that is as far as she will EVER get on that thing.....because....
she was introduced to the CIRCLE LOOM! A circle loom doesn't require too much
thought, I'm not saying that she hasn't a brain.....her brain
is just ALWAYS on OVERLOAD! In one day, she pretty much had a full
scarf made!
I, too, am a knitting with needles FLUNKY!!! Does anyone want to join
our knitters anonymous group? You are not allowed to SAY YOUR
must KNIT haaaaaa
That is LINDA....she is LEFT HANDED!
WOOHOOOOOO, I got to TEACH SOMEONE to KNIT on the loom....
We lefties have our own way of doing things......I LOVE YOU LINDA!!
LEFTY LINDA.....awwww, I like that name!
Notice you will not see anymore people I got to teach.....
sniff, sniff, there were no more lefties.....and if there were....
they stayed hidden....maybe I SKEERED them!
the bi-focals ARE TOO CLOSE!!!
me of the little engine that could......
Some even learned to make wash cloths.......
Melissa is still going at it......
A dazed stupor......
Pooooor Barbie.....still going......I think I can, I think I can.....
I think they might have their own group.....
and they knit CROWNS....yep, THEY ARE THE QUEENS!!!
She is REALLY trying to make a'd it turn out
for you LAURA?
all this because I am a knitting FLUNKY....remember?
I'm too ADD to knit and count...sheesh....then I couldn't
talk.....and much less....put it down to use my hands to talk.
Dr.'s knit?
It was a great retreat...and I can't wait til everyone comes back next year
with a shawl.....
We are thinking we might take up bungee jumping next year....maybe we'll
have to get up so HIGH that our cell phones will work...... was nice w/out them!!
Thanks to all who participated.....I came home refreshed and blessed!!!
Oh my goodness...I love this idea...I just am learning to knit also from a fellow blogger online that is helping me!..I am like Barbie though I think...I keep saying to myself I think I can I think I can...My first project is a washcloth and I've ripped it out and started over like millions of times just because I want perfect..I should know by know it is the imperfections that make it unique lol :) Anywho...I wish I could be among the funsters...How fun it would be!....Thanks for letting me see your fun.
This looks like tons of fun, now i wanna go get out my loom! I have been knitting (needle knitting) since i was bout 10. i have been looming for about 2 years ( 14yrs old) I am in love with al sorts of crafting. So your left handed? My sister is a lefty and i cant seem to teach her how to knit...Have a good weekend
I always wanted to learn to knit.My mom is a whiz at it!I bought those huge/fat Bamboo needles(which I love)and mom taught me.As nice as it is,its just too hard an effort with too little to show for it.I prefer crochet,altho I'm not a big crocheter.I do make something from time to time.Now,the knitting looms are a Godsend.I LOVE THEM!
I have all 4 size circles and the rectangle(purple).Plus I purchased the itty bitty round loom(makes a rope basically) for my youngest to make stuff with.She had made one in school using the cardboard toilet paper holder and 4 popsicle sticks.
How fun! You'll have to teach me...but I'm not a lefty. Hubby is - does THAT count? :o)
We have a Women's Retreat at least once a year at our church...I have never been. I'd love to, but jsut don't have the funds...they do some great stuff. Maybe I'll be able to go next year. In the meanwhile, I have TONS of fun AT the church with all my great friends there. I LOVE my church...have I mentioned that before? :o)
Glad you have a great group of ladies to enjoy as well...and thanks for your prayers for Chuy...and our finances...and my sanity. (My husband especially appreciates it! :o)
I like Barbies Polka dotted pants
;0 Looks like you ladies had fun.
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