I love this thing....if I weren't already married, I might consider being the first woman to MARRY A CROCKPOT....lol.
I use it weekly, if not DAILY. Most people have the 18 qt or bigger....the smaller ones are hard to find for some reason. I think there might even be an 8 qt. out there in internet land.
If you find a place that sells them, please come back here and post the link in the comments. It must be 10 qt. or 8 qt., the smaller ones are easier to find...it is these two that seem to be extinct.
I would love a roasting oven. I think I'd have to go with a bigger one though because of the amount of food I usually have to cook. The only reason I haven't bought one yet, is because of space and I need a recommendation. So, which would you reccomend? Oh, and btw, the slip covers are staying on. I put those pool "noodles" in the creases and that keeps slippage at a minimum.
Don't feel bad about your "love affair" with your crock pot, I have considered running away with my Compound Miter Saw on occasion. :-)
The Lettered Cottage
Hi Tracy, I love my Artisan Kitchen Aid.... Honestly I LOVE it LOL!
I am putting one of these on my wish list!
Ok, I have been thinking ahead to the Holidays and how I will cook my turkey since our oven is smallish and it seems to cook so high (is that normal for gas ovens?)...this sounds like a great solution for me!! I am going to search these out :)
I have three cockpots! I'd love to have a roaster...so many stockshow mom's do, but I've never bought one.
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