Laser Quest combines the classic games of tag and hide & seek with a high-tech twist. Donning the most sophisticated laser tag equipment available, the game is played in a large, multi-level arena featuring specialty lighting, swirling fog and heart-pounding music. Questors, whether individually or on teams, use their lasers to score as many points as possible by tagging the sensors on their opponents’ equipment. Scorecards and code names add to the fun.
Notice I'm using camouflaged coloring....I'm HIDING! Tonight we will be taking the church youth to Laser Quest. My husband and I have a HISTORY with Laser Quest....yes, yes, we have quite a tale to tell....
Let's go back in time.....several years ago when the local Laser Quest opened....it sounded so fun. We, young married couples, decided that we would celebrate the December birthdays running around shooting the snockers out of each other...which by the way doesn't HURT...it isn't paintball...just CANCER CAUSING lasers...but, that's another story.
So, back to the story.....as soon as I get into the arena I take off like the boogie man is after me (because HE was)....because I have this annoying habit of SCREAMING (I don't mean, ahhhh scream, I mean pierce your ears and fall on the ground scream) when I get scared. All I wanted to do was find a HIDING spot and shoot people....was that too much to ask?
Mission was a success!
I was so proud of myself for managing to conceal myself from anyone finding me.....even my husband.
When we finished, one of the biggest fights ensued....he thought I was hiding in a dark corner with another man....HELLLLLLOOOOO....if any man came to my hidey hole, I would have thought he was the boogie man and then I would have screamed and then I would have piddled my pants and then I would die of embarrassment....sheeeesh...AS IF.
So, we had already paid to play another game.....the GAME must go on.....so, I spent the entire game walking behind my DEAR hubby........SHOOTING him in the back.....I racked up quite a lot of points.....That way, every time his chest vibrated after being shot.....I kept reminding him that I was RIGHT BEHIND HIM!!! We fought about that day for weeks....it almost reminds me of Moofasa in Lion King where when even his name is spoken...they shudder. Laser Quest?.....ohhhhhh Mooofasa....
The church youth are now going.....and as a JOKE, I asked if dear hubby wanted to go with them.
Guess what!!! He said, "YES"!.....I asked if he had GROWN UP since the last trip......he said, "yah, I guess".
Hmmmm, what should I put for my CODE NAME that will be BROADCAST on THE BIG SCREEN.......????
Stay tuned for an update......
I'd like to go just to watch David watching you.......lol
your mom
I have never tried this - my son has played laser quest before and loved it. All they have in our area is paintball and I am too chicken to do that - it hurts!
How hilarious. Cancer causing lasers? What's next? Cell phones? Oh, wait...
Oh how fun! We still haven't ever done this but I think the kids would love it! Let us know how it went!
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