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Thursday, February 28, 2008


18 REasONs I lOVe YoU!!!

  • 1. You are an overcomer. 2. You finally enjoy school. 3. You hardly get nervous. 4. You are very independent. 5. You are an amazing photographer. 6. You are willing to go anywhere....even out of the country without being afraid. 7. You enjoy your sleep.....in a family of early risers...and you don't get upset about getting up early. 8. You are very responsible with your animals. 9. Your belly laugh. 10. Your manners. 11. You are a hard worker. 12. You wear your feelings on your sleeve. 13. You love to read. 14. You still call me mommy. 15. You haven't really minded being the oldest.....and a guinea pig for your parents. :) 16. You have a special place in my heart that no other can replace. 17. You've taught me more than I've ever thought about teaching you. 18. I got to spend 18 SHORT years of your life! I love you and hope your birthday is all you've dreamed of for your 18th year of life!

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