I'm NOT!!!
I had to get online and look at what others have done with this pattern....I am still in love with this dress.
You should be able to click on any of these pictures and be taken to the sites I found them....
This lady is just amazing....I love following her blog...she is making A DRESS A WEEK!! Right after I made mine, she posted about her Simplicity 2591....I was thrilled to say the least. I just love the fabric. My problem is....white and me do NOT get along very well.... :(
This sweet lady blogged about how many mistakes are in this dress...and is very thankful the pattern disguises it. I think it looks divine on her.
I like the ticking on this fabric....what about that viking hat??I could see my daughter wearing this complete outfit.
Yep, totally adore the hula girl fabric....SU-WEET!
Yep, liking the stripes as well....very Coney Island, don't you think?
This ticking has tiny red crabs all over it....seersucker fabric. Make sure you look at her shoes!
Yet another version....it just amazes how the fabric makes all the difference in the look of this dress.
Yay! Every one is a winner. What a lovely collection of dresses and fabrics. I feel inspired to make another one. Thanks for sharing those.
Cute! Each dress looks fab,but I am especially fond of the hula girl one!
Loving the cherry shoes!
Hi Traci,
What a charming post, I live in lightweight, vintage (and vintage inspired) summer dresses like this annually from May/June to September and would love to try my hand at this pattern too sometime (just need to get a sewing machine first! ;D).
I come bearing some delightful news today...your comment (#55) was selected as the lucky winner of the CollectibleSpectacle $75.00 GC giveaway over at Chronically Vintage. Please feel free to
email me anytime you’d like with your first and last name, mailing address, and email address.
Thank you so much for being a part of this fun contest, and huge congrats on winning!
Hugs & blessings,
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