Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
What Difference Color Makes in Life

I still can't picture the red outfit even after seeing these colorized pictures.....sigh.......
Monday, July 28, 2008
Does the Cowboy go with the Purse?
MONDAY - Corn dogs & fries (We are taking DD to big town to practice driving skills on expressway and the on ramps....she is almost too cautious...then tomorrow, she will take her test)
TUESDAY- Chicken dressing, corn, gravy, (This is a favorite of my family and I sort of invented it myself and it never turns out the same way twice)
WEDNESDAY- Pizza egg rolls, salad
THURSDAY- Fajitas, rice, refried beans
FRIDAY- 21st Anniversary, EATING OUT
SATURDAY- Poppyseed Chicken, salad, peas & carrots
SUNDAY- Crockpot salisbury steaks, mashed potatoes, green beans (using leftover grilled hamburgers from the freezer)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I'm Off to Church Camp this Week....
Please try not to go through WITHDRAWALS while I'm away this week. I'll return with wonderful pictures of teenagers doing silly things. I LOVE this camp! I would go even if I didn't have a child going. It is more like a retreat for me...even though I actually had to eat KIBBLES n BITS one year.....all for the sake of not letting down my group. Ick, I swore after that I would only feed my dog HUMAN food. Unfortunately, she pukes when she eats human food....how weird is that.....I PUKE when I eat DOG food. Hmmmmm, we were destined to be together! Oh, by the way, this is my 93rd posting. So, maybe you can get some WORK done while I'm away....since you won't be constantly checking to see if I updated....ba haaaaaa. I know, I know, it is going to be hard, but YOU CAN DO IT SPARKY.
Seriously, I hope you have a great week and keep the kiddos and me in your prayers.....we want to experience God's full glory while at camp.
Dancing Guy
(Before you press play, scroll down and pause my wonderful music)
Ok, I don't know why I like this video but I do. I've stumbled across it a few times and I always have to stop and watch it. It just amazes me how people choose to live life....I mean really LIVE life to the fullest. This guy has done the simplest thing...dancing around the world. It started just as a thing....then BAM a gum company gets wind of it and now this is how he makes his money.
Friday, July 18, 2008

Collecting Food for Local Food Pantry
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Is that really what I THINK it is........
Yep, this is MY car!!!
Sydni, I hope your 16th birthday was everything that you've dreamed of. I can't believe that you are only a few years from flying the nest. You've shown such amazing growth in the past few years. You are truly a girl after God's own heart. May you continue to see His wisdom all of your days. I love you!!! ......MOM
P.S. She is actually buying this car, she just didn't think that we got it....we told her the man wouldn't come down on the price.
Weight Loss Wednesday
Monday, July 14, 2008
Our mission this week is donating to the local food pantry. That is ME in the soup can and my friend, Amy is the NOODLE...ba haaaa. We are the VISUAL reminder to bring canned goods.
This week is our church VBS and it includes dinner. I'm not sure exactly what night we are having these, I just know that we are having these dinners. I only have to cook for THREE nights...woohooooo. If you are looking for other menu ideas, please CLICK HERE. There are a TON of meal ideas and recipes....even for breakfast and lunch. Look for the posting w/ the people's names and start clicking the names. You will be directed to their blog post of their menu for the week. I'm going to cook like a mad woman on Saturday so my family has meals for the week I'm gone to church camp. I'm still working on that menu.
MONDAY - Sandwiches
TUESDAY - (ok, I can't remember this meal)
WEDNESDAY - Pizza (This is my middle daughter's birthday...sweet 16!)
THURSDAY - Taco Salad, Brownies
FRIDAY - Corndogs, french fries (Because we go swimming w/ VBS and it has to be something simple)
SATURDAY - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans
SUNDAY - Rigatoni, garlic bread, salad (I leave for church camp...YIPPPEEEE!!!)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wouldn't I Look Good in These?
My Cabinets
Although they may look like matched pairs, they aren't. I looked high and low in flea markets and antique places for these babies. I paid no more than $2.00 for a spoon and the cheapest was FREE. It took almost 9 months before I got to put them on the cabinets.....mostly due to a nervous husband on just HOW to do it. We got a friend, Bobby, to help and it was done in TWO evenings!
I was planning to use forks as well, but then thought that they might catch on shirts and pockets and be troublesome. I did use two forks on the cabinet above the microwave and like them.
As for my cabinet color, it is guacamole from Lowe's....but I used Anchor paint....it was cheaper. I'm not impressed with the coverage and might end up re-painting in a few years.
The baskets are African baskets I got at the fair....I've been trying to buy them for two years, but the man wouldn't come down on the price. Last fall, I went on the last day and wouldn't you know it, he was willing to bargain. I got both baskets for $30.00!!! That is 1/2 price. I keep my onions and potatoes in them.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Weight Loss Wednesday
I need to stay away from holidays and family reunions...lol.
+2 lbs. = Total Loss -1 lb in 4 weeks
Don't forget to check out my SECRET GIVEAWAY (<----click) post and leave a comment. I'll be giving away a special prize on my 100th post....pssst...this is my 82nd post. If you are unsure how to post a comment, scroll to the bottom of THE POST and look for comments...it should have a number in front of it....CLICK...and leave a comment.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Secret Giveaway
Menu Monday
If you've never heard of The Pioneer Woman, you should hustle right on over thar and check out her site. Search around and find the 5,000 reader submitted recipes .....there are some really great ones on there.
It is a busy week around the farm...well, outside the farm....Goat camp starts Tuesday. Yes, you read that correctly, GOAT CAMP. It is a commuter camp for kids (the human kind) to bring their kids (the goat kind) and learn the proper technique for grooming, showing and taking care of them. It is a three day camp....I can't imagine going to a camp to WORK.....that is what they do though....WORK.
Sunday begins a six day Vacation Bible School adventure.....complete with dinners. So, next weeks menu will be a kid friendly menu....and......I WON'T HAVE TO COOK!!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Why I Like to Take Pictures When They Aren't Looking....
York the Diving Dork
The girl looking on....and probably shaking her head, is my niece, Laura Lou.....well, that is almost her name. Sorry, Laura Lou, I couldn't edit you out of the picture....I am in soooooooo much trouble for putting her on my "read by millions...er, uh, tens of people" blog. You know, it is a "teen" thing....OMG....I can't BELIEVE you ACTUALLY posted my picture wearing a BIKINI...OMG, OMG....
I think I might play around with the picture.....I think I can make him look like he is flying over the trees....what do you think? ba haaaaaaaa.....hmmmm, do you even think he remembers this picture?
Friday, July 4, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Grocery Store Ads
Do you hate $pending money on a new$paper JU$T FOR THE $ALE AD$? Well, I gue$$ I DO read them once I've BOUGHT them....but I $ure like to get $ale ads (<--click)online $ince I'm u$ually online already. Thi$ $ite is great.....one click (<---click) and they are all at your finger$. Ok, do I get creative point$ for u$ing the $$ in$tead of S's? I didn't find any "gotta have it" $pecial$ thi$ week. How about you, did you find anything that maybe I mi$$ed?