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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fairy Love!!

I've had many inquiries about my fairy doors, so I am doing
this post so I can refer people to it.
I was inpired by the simpleness of the fairy door.
I believe children need a creative outlet and I think the fairy door
is one way to enhance that creativity and imagination found
in children.

Just imgaine your child's delight when she loses a tooth and puts it into the
special basket on the Fairy's stoop....and awakes to find FOREIGN
coins in the basket!
We all know that the Tooth Fairy travels the world and sometimes
she doesn't have US currency...and of course our banks are closed
when she makes her appearance...so she leaves what she has!
Imagine your child waking and finding a tiny gift on the stoop....left by a fairy!
Imagine them waking and finding the fairies came and decorated the door
for the holidays!

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