Saturday, January 31, 2009
A New Old Music Group

Friday, January 30, 2009
What is this???
Hubby thinks it is a mouse.
Edited to add MY EVIDENCE:
When I was trapping for field mice, I often caught shrews - Short-tailed shrews and Blarina brevicauda – the only venomous mammal in the world.
Ken Catania, of Vanderbilt University, studies moles and their feeding behavior. I attended his presentation at the ISBE Conference and I was mesmerized. It was the best science talk, ever. These guys are so fast Dr. Catania has to doctor-up his high speed cameras to catch these guys in action. A mole or a shrew can attack and consume a prey (earthworms) in less than a fraction of a second. Ooh, I have to share the earthworm stuff, too, but later.
EWWWWW, it was a SHREW......where's my gun????
We were both wrong!!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Vintage Thingie Thursday

Wedding Party (BIRTHDAY)

I often wonder how expensive it would be today to pull this off....since there are so many items marketed just for these types of parties for children. You know, one MUST HAVE the "made just for their size" stuff.....ick.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
My Simple House......
If you want to know who Bubba was.... CLICK HERE.
Poor Bubba, just climbed in the chair and used the pillow....he didn't take it and run with it like I thought......feeling sooooo guilty.....

This is RASCAL....he looks small, but is really a small HORSE!!! He does NOT fit on the stupid pillow...sheesh.....see, he is ON THE PILLOW!!! He started out small....just moving the pillow off the chair....then around the house....then out in the field....now, almost to my in-laws house....SOMEONE PLEASE STOP THIS MADNESS!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Come See My Last 6 or So Posts
Sunday, January 25, 2009
How Much Wheat Can ONE Cow Eat?
What is THAT?
Um, little miss cow who doesn't belong in our field....
that would be YOUR SHADOW!!!
....and no matter how fast your chase it,
you will NEVER catch it.
Why don't you just chase it right back to your pasture or pen......
Bye bye miss cow who doesn't belong in our field....
I don't blame you one bit for breaking free....
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sneak Peek at Barn Wedding
Thrift Store Goodness
I'm almost 100% sure it is homemade and never used.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Feeding Our Little Friends
While doing our school work this morning....we were able to take time to smell the roses...oops, that is for another day and time....we were able to watch the birdies.