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Saturday, April 23, 2011

DIY Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy Wallet/Card

It never ceases to amaze me what people will share for FREE on the Internet!
I found the blog, JustSomethingIMade over a year ago.
This woman is AMAZING in the creative department.

My great nephew just so happened to be turning two when I stumbled upon her latest creation.
I knew immediately I had to make this wallet.

She made a cute little card to go inside.....I made a cute little vintage
kid on a vintage pony picture.

She had some doo-dads to add to the left-side.
I decided to make some origami bill art.
A cute little cowboy shirt and chaps....yah! they are CHAPS....
who cares if they look like pants!!

On the back of the little vintage picture...I printed the "card" for Tristan.
Yes!  even the stitching is REAL....the rest is just printed from card stock.
She did all the hard work.
From start to finish, this probably took less than one hour.  (At least 20 minutes
was spent searching for WHITE thread....which I have NONE, so I used yellow)
Make sure you check out her blog!


Julie said...

Eli will be getting one of those soon and probably every other little boy I know.

Saska said...

Why didn't you call....I have white thread you could've borrowed! haha

So cute. I need to make some of these for gifts.

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